Grey Matter
The next alien that Ben uses is a creature that is the same species as Azmuth himself. Though this alien maybe small it turns out that he’s very smart when it comes to handling problems that can be a bit tough which is why Ben gave him the name Grey Matter!
Species and Home planet: Grey Matter’s species is called a Galvan from Azmuth’s home world Galvan Prime which was mention earlier on the first page about Azmuth. See image of the Planet below:
Original Series Description: Grey Matter can be described as a grey-skinned, frog-like, bipedal alien, that’s only four inches tall with large green eyes with little minus sign shaped pupils. When he’s used he wears a white jumpsuit with a black stripe going down it and has a black stripe running down between his eyes. His voice, when he talks, is high-pitched. The Omnitrix symbol located on his back. See image below:
Gwen as Grey Matter Description: When Gwen 10 used her version of Grey Matter in the Original Series, female Grey Matter did still have Gwen’s hair but the eyes are more Oval Shaped with much smaller minus sign shaped pupils. She wears a light blue jump suit with dark blue sleeves and lacks the stripes that Ben’s Grey Matter has. The Omnitrix symbol is located on her back just like the Omnitrix symbol for Ben’s Grey Matter is. See image below:
Ultimate Alien Description: When Grey Matter appeared in the intro for Ben 10: Ultimate Alien, he still wore his white jumpsuit with the black stripe from the original series (along the black stripe that’s between his eyes) except the Ultimatrix symbol was located on his chest instead of his back. See image below:
Omniverse Description: In Omniverse when Grey Matter was used by 11 year old Ben, he still wore his white jumpsuit with the black stripe from the original series except the skin tone is slightly different, the collar of his jumpsuit is black instead of white, and the Omnitrix symbol was located (as before) on his back. When he was used by 16 year old Ben in Omniverse, he appeared to be wearing a green jumpsuit with a black belt instead of the white jumpsuit with the back stripe, the collar of the suit is black, the stripe between his eyes is no longer there, he wears black fingerless gloves with a green rectangle on the back of them, and his neck is slightly longer than usual. His voice appeared to be slightly deeper than it was high-pitched. The New Omnitrix symbol is also located on his back just like in the Original Series. See images below:
Special Abilities: One on the abilities of Grey Matter is it that despite his small size he belies a great calculative and technical intellect. An example about his intellect is that he can create complicated machines from spare parts and is able understanding the function of any device at a glance. Grey Matter’s intellect brain can also be served as a problem solver and analytical help in any difficult situation. He can manipulate living things by stimulating certain parts of their nervous system, if such beings can be controlled by any external stimuli. The second ability is his size. One of the advantages of his size is allowing him to squeeze into small spaces, he’s good at climbing walls thanks to the tiny suction cups on his skin, his teeth are sharp (so be very careful), and his slimy skin makes him very difficult to grab like the way a slimy fish can. The third ability shows that Gray Matter appears to be stronger than he looks because in the TV show, it’s showed that he was strong enough to move a cleaner’s bucket with mops in it in the episode Ultimate Weapon. In So Long, and Thanks for All the Smoothies, he used his strength to break a coolant pipe to freeze the Vreedle Brothers. If you want to know why Grey Matter can breath underwater is because it’s shown that he is amphibious like a frog and has gills just like a fish. Grey Matter’s fourth ability is that he has a long sticky prehensile like a frog (which owing to his insectivore nature). Grey Matter’s fifth ability is his pre-brain because like all other Galvan’s of his species Galvan’s have a secondary brain that handles basic bodily functions. His final ability is being able to understand any kind of language like understanding Pyxi’s language to be exact in the episode Rad. See images below:
Weaknesses: Grey Matters first weakness is his size. The reason is because of his small size, it makes him unsuitable for any physical battle in the field, but the one advantage that he can do is that instead of fighting he can outsmart his enemies in a fight. His second weakness is animals. The reason that animals (like dogs and cats for example) can be a problem is because they might see Grey Matter is a chew toy or as food for them to eat. See image below:

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